The Law Offices of Jeffrey I. Amtman helps people who have been injured in truck accidents caused by the negligence or fault of another. Our Englewood, New Jersey, semi-truck and tractor-trailer accident attorney has over 32 years of experience representing victims of serious trucking crashes.
We help clients obtain proper medical treatment as well as payment for their medical bills while the claim or lawsuit progresses. Contact an experienced lawyer at the Law Offices of Jeffrey I. Amtman in Englewood, New Jersey.
Injuries from a semi-truck accident are usually serious or fatal. Our New Jersey truck accident lawyers have helped people recover compensation for injuries such as those listed here. We also help families suffering from the pain of the death of a loved one in a truck accident.
Our firm uses truck accident reconstruction specialists to build a complete picture of the semi-truck accident that caused your serious injuries. We consult with crash reconstruction experts, biomechanical specialists, and other medical personnel. Our lawyers review insurance coverage, maintenance records, and driver logs. We look for driver fatigue. We analyze police reports. We use our investigators’ results to determine liability and assign value to your case.
We pride ourselves on being honest with people injured in truck accidents, assessing the likelihood that they will prevail at trial or in settlement negotiations. Our attorneys have flexible hours, report frequently on the progress of the case, and make sure that you are getting proper medical treatment for your truck crash injuries. Whether you’ve been in a rear-end collision with a tractor-trailer, hit by a garbage truck, or injured in a gravel truck accident, we can help.
Contact our lawyer at the Law Office of Jeffrey I. Amtman in Englewood, New Jersey.